Interesting HTML (web API) Topics

Last updated on May 2022

WIP post, with some interesting topics about web APIs/HTML elements/etc.

Get the label for an input easily

I never knew that form elements such as <input> (HTMLInputElement) has a labels attribute, which is a list (DOMTokenList) of associated labels.

This is a demo, with the code below it:

The code is something along the lines of:

<!-- the label I want to get: -->
<label for="demo-email">Your email address</label>
<!-- the input I want the label for: -->
<input id="demo-email" />

<!-- button to trigger the alert() with the label textContent -->
<button id="show-label">Show label</button>

function clickHandler() {
    // the <input> element:
    const inputElement = document.getElementById('demo-email');

    const labels = inputElement.labels; // << the bit i'm showing

    const firstLabelElement = labels[0];
    const labelText = firstLabelElement.textContent
    alert(`Associated label for the input: "${labelText}"`);

        .addEventListener('click', clickHandler)
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